Quantitative Analysis of Monosaccharide Component Ratios

By FT-IR Microscopy and Partial Least Squares (PLS)


Lin-Tao HE and James A. de Haseth*


Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2556


A new experimental method has been developed for FT-IR quantitative analysis with the use of FT-IR microscopy. Sample solutions were deposited on a ZnSe plate and evaporated to dry films. The film spectra were collected with an FT-IR microscope and a high sensitivity MCT detector. Only a few microliters of sample solution is needed to produce a spectrum. To utilize spectra from dry films, normalization of the spectra has to be performed before PLS analysis before PLS analysis. The quantitative component ratios are obtained by this experimental method in conjunction with PLS. Several monosaccharide training sets have been established and tested quite well. This quantitative approach can potentially be extended to analyze monosaccharide ratios in complex carbohydrates.





     Multivariate statistical methods have been applied for quantitative infrared spectroscopy for one decade [1-9]. Quantitative FT-IR spectroscopy has been greatly improved by the use of a variety of multivariate calibration methods, such as, classical least squares (CLS) or K-matrix, inverse least squares (ILS) or P-matrix, partial least squares (PLS), and, principal component regression (PCR). The PLS technique has been proven to be a reasonable and optimal choice over a wide range of conditions [ 5, 8, 10].

   Traditionally, liquid transmission cells or liquid ATR cells have been used for quantitative FT-IR experiments to provide a constant optical path length [4,11]. In this work, sample solutions were deposited on ZnSe plate and evaporated to cast films. The film spectra were collected in transmission mode on an FT-IR microscope with a high sensitivity MCT detector for microanalysis. Therefore, the pathlength is indeterminate for each individual spectrum. Geladi et al [12] described the Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) to the training set to attempt to correct for indeterminate pathlength effects resulting from scattering when using sampling techniques such as diffuse reflectance. MSC is calculated by correcting each training spectrum relative to an “ideal spectrum” which , in their case, is assumed to be the average of the all training spectra in each of the chosen spectral regions. Each spectrum is fit as a linear function of the “ideal spectrum”. This correction normally works well when the concentrations of the components in the samples only vary in a narrow range. Large changes in spectral response and concentration between training spectra will cause error with MSC [8, 13].

   In this work, we just normalized each individual spectrum and organized normalized concentrations for each training mixture to correct the indeterminate pathlength effects when using an FT-IR microscope in transmission mode. We performed this correction to the spectral data prior to passing the data to the PLS technique for calibration or for prediction. This approach and experimental method work well if the baseline and suitable spectral regions are considered. The quantitative component ratios are obtained by this method in conjunction with  PLS.





   All monosaccharides and disaccharides were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (Louis, MO). The samples were dissolved in water at a concentration of 0.01M. An autoclavable pipette was used to prepare training mixtures with different component ratios. A few microliters of sample solutions were deposited on ZnSe Plate and evaporated to dry films.  The films spectra were collected on a Perkin-Elmer (Norwalk, CT) i-series FT-IR microscope / Spectrum 2000 spectrometer in transmission mode. All spectra were obtained from 64 co-added scans at 4 cm-1 resolution and 1 cm-1 data point interval. All spectra have good baselines and maximum absorbance  between 0.4 and 1.1 units.

   All spectra were transferred to Galactic (Salem, NH) Grams/32 spectral software with PLSplus software package.






1. Normalization of spectra and concentrations of training sets

   Before the spectral data were passed to the PLS for calibration, they were normalized with the equation (1) to correct indeterminate pathlengths, and the normalized concentrations of training mixtures were edited for calibration. Table I shows the examples of  normalized concentrations of training sets.


                                             Spectrum(#S) - Min(#S)

  Normalized spectrum =--------------------------------             (1)

                                                   Max(#S) - Min(#S)


Table I. The Normalized Concentrations of Training Mixtures


                                    Mannose         GlcNAc            Galactose


Integral mol ratio              1                       1                        1

Normalized conc.       0.3333             0.3333                0.3333


Integral mol ratio               3                      2                        1

Normalized conc.           0.5               0.3333                0.1667


*GlcNAc = N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine


2. Selection of PLS parameters

   PLS-1 algorithm was chosen in this work. In PLS-1, a separate set of scores and loading vectors or factors is calculated for each component of interest. In this case, the separate sets of loading vectors are specifically tuned for each component, and therefor, should give more accurate predictions than PLS-2 or PCR [5,8, 10]. One minor disadvantage in using PLS-1 is that the calculations will take more time.

   Three processing algorithms, “Mean Centering”, “Variance Scaling”, and “Baseline Correction”, were selected for both calibration and prediction. The spectral regions, 3700 - 2600 cm-1 and 1800 - 600 cm-1 were chosen for all monosaccharide sets. The baseline regions were neglected.  Only one region, 1500 - 650 cm-1, was selected for simple disaccharide training set  (Melibiose, Cellobiose, and Lactose). Because the spectral characteristics of these three disaccharides are very similar, the PLS calculation should focus on the small region where fine differences among them exist. Figures 1 and 2 show the spectral regions for PLS calculation of one monosaccharide set and one disaccharide set.




FIGURE 1. IR spectrum of disaccharide mixture (Mannose : GlcNAc : Galactose=3:6:4). PLS spectral regions are shown in the rectangles.


FIGURE 2. IR spectrum of monosaccharide mixture (Melibiose:Cellobiose:Lactose =2:2:1). PLS spectral region is shown in the rectangle.


3. Maximum absorbance of training spectra

   We have tested two separate training sets of monosaccharides with low absorbance ( 0.4 - 0.7 unit) and high absorbance (0.7 - 1.1 units) and passed them to PLS calculation after normalizing spectra. We have found both low-absorbance and high-absorbance training sets have  good corrections between the actual component concentrations and the predicted component concentrations. The square of the correlation coefficient (R2) for each component is about 0.99, indicating a perfect fit. Therefore, at least two spectra with low absorbance and high absorbance for each training mixture were used in the calibration file, if it is possible to locate different sample area with the suitable thickness on the microscope. Table II shows the PLS cross-validation results from 67 spectra of  three-component monosaccharide training set (30 samples) with low absorbance and high absorbance together after detecting spectral outliers and concentration outliers.


Table II. PLS Cross Validation Results


Component               RMSD                                    R2


Mannose                 0.0083219                               0.99885

GlcNAc                   0.0071269                               0.99681

Galactose                0.0080897                               0.99736


RMSD = Root Mean square Difference


4. PLS calibration and prediction

   Figures 3-5 show the results of PLS calibration for three-component monosaccharide training set. The predicted versus the actual concentrations of this calibration set are plotted in these figures. Highly linear correlation and good agreement between actual and calculated concentrations are demonstrated. The component ratios of unknown mixtures are predicted by this calibration set, shown in Table II and III, which are close to the true values.

   The more complex training sets from four to six monosaccharide components have been established and tested. Table IV shows PLS cross-validation results of six-monosaccharide training set, which is calculated from 63 spectra of 30 samples with low absorbance and high absorbance.  Table V shows the component ratios of an unknown mixture predicted by this training set.


FIGURE 3. Predicted versus actual concentrations of D-Mannose in the three-component training set. Total factors: 31.


FIGURE 4. Predicted versus actual concentrations of GlcNAc in the three-component training set. Total factors: 33.



Table II. PLS Prediction of  Unknown Mixture Sample 1


Component       True Conc.         Predicted Conc.       Error%

         Int.    Norm.      “Norm.”     “Int.”


Mannose           3        0.5             0.50024     2.998     0.048%

GlcNAc             2      0.3333         0.333         1.996          0%

Galactose          1       0.1667        0.16684     1.00       0.084%



FIGURE 5. Predicted versus actual concentrations of D-Galactose in the three-component training set. Total factors: 31.


Table III. PLS Prediction of  Unknown Mixture Sample 2


Component       True Conc.         Predicted Conc.       Error%

         Int.    Norm.      “Norm.”     “Int.”


Mannose           4      0.4444         0.43874     3.965     1.28%

GlcNAc             3      0.3333         0.34016     3.07       2.05%

Galactose          2       0.2222        0.22131     2.00       0.41%


Int. = Integral, Norm. = Normalized, Conc. = Concentration.



Table IV. PLS Cross Validation Results


Component             RMSD                             R2


Mannose                 0.0083182                  0.99606

GlcNAc                   0.0068592                  0.99715

Galactose                0.006955                    0.99344

GalNAc                   0.0069512                  0.99636

NANA                    0.0089214                  0.9952

Fucose                     0.0081615                  0.98919


GalNAc = N-Acetyl-D-galactosamine


Table V. Predicting unknown mixture

                by calibration set in Table IV


Component      True Conc.                   Predicted Conc.

                       Int.   Norm.                 “Norm.”       “Int.”


Mannose         3      0.1765                 0.18801       3.17

GlcNAc           5      0.2941                 0.28842       4.87

Galactose         4     0.2353                 0.23591       3.98

GalNAc           2      0.1176                 0.11686       1.97

NANA            2      0.1176                 0.11304       1.90

Fucose             1      0.0588                 0.059284     1.00


NANA = N-AcetylNeuramininic Acid


5. The prediction of monosaccharide component ratios by disaccharide calibration set

   In order to apply this PLS quantitative approach for complex carbohydrates such as oligosaccharide to analyze monosaccharide ratios, a disaccharide training set was set up to investigate the effects of chemical linkages. Three disaccharides, Melibiose, D-Cellobiose, and b-D-lactose (containing 30% a-D-lactose), were used to organize the standard mixtures. They consist of glucose (Glc) and galactose (Gal). Melibiose is Gala1-6Glc. Cellobiose is Glcb1-4Glc. b-Lactose is Galb1-4Glc. As mentioned in the PLS parameter section, The IR spectra of these three disaccharides are very similar. In order to emphasize and “amplify” the small variation, PLS calculation was focused in the small spectral region, 1500 - 650 cm-1. Table VI shows PLS cross-validation results of the disaccharide training set consisted of 23 mixtures and 45 spectra with both low absorbance and high absorbance after detecting outliers. The square of the correlation coefficient for each component is near 0.999.


Table VI. PLS Cross Validation Results of Disaccharide Set


Component             RMSD(CV)                            R2


Melibiose                0.00610738                             0.999216

Cellobiose               0.00997239                             0.997608

Lactose                    0.0090237                               0.998364



   In order to obtain monosaccharide component ratios from the disaccharide set, we reorganized the calibration file which only contains two monosaccharide components, glucose (Glc) and galactose (Gal). The predicted versus the actual concentrations in monosaccharide format are plotted in Fig. 6 and 7. They still have a good correlation, indicating that the monosaccharide unit can be discriminated and analyzed among disaccharides by PLS technique. It was noted that  R2 , RMSD, and optimal factor or loading vector are identical for both glucose component and galactose component because the spectral and concentration errors were redistributed over both of components when reorganizing the monosaccharide calibration file from the disaccharide set.





   The normalization approaches are proposed for the correction of indeterminate pathlength relative to quantitative FT-IR spectroscopy. Only a few microliters of sample solution is needed to produce a spectrum when using an FT-IR microscope with MCT detector.  The amount of samples is decreased to a large extent for FT-IR quantitative analysis.

   This quantitative FT-IR approach can potentially be extended to analyze monosaccharide ratios in complex carbohydrates. A chemometric approach to carbohydrate compositional  analysis  is  much  simpler  and  less  time-consuming  than current techniques such as GC, HPLC, and GC/MS, in which hydrolysis, derivation, and separation are required [14-16].


FIGURE 6. Predicted versus actual concentrations of glucose component in the disaccharide training set. Total factors: 20.


FIGURE 7. Predicted versus actual concentrations of galactose component in the disaccharide training set. Total factors: 20




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